DM Resources

Dungeon Masters!

Blackwood DnD Winterfest will be using some support materials we will share with you to help your games run smoothly. Links for these materials appear below.

Ghoul strip

Pre-generated Adventures

The Blackwood DnD Winterfest volunteers have created and play-tested a number of adventures that you can use.

Cave of the Kobold Seer - For 5-6 level 1 characters
Goblins have always been a problem for caravans between Woodville and Stonekeep, but lately they have been plaguing the trade routes with greater accuracy than ever before. The party has been hired by the Stonekeep Merchants Guild to determine how the Goblins are managing these highly successful robberies.

Ringed - For 5 level 3 characters
The players are offered a mysterious ring at the Radiant Hammer tavern. What could possibly go wrong?

The Green Heart - For 5 level 3 characters
An old druid and his apprentice have been blessing the crops of the villagers of a small agricultural community every year. Using a precious stone called the Heart of the Forest, the druid helped plants grow strong within the valley. But this year, the druid is nowhere to be found and the villagers ask for help.

The Wizards Tower - For 5 level 1-3 characters
The city of Incapi has enjoyed centuries of perfect weather, thanks to a device belonging to a renowned wizard who made his home there. But the wizard died about 50 years ago and now the device is starting to malfunction. The town council has engaged your party to retrieve the device. In addition to a hefty reward there are rumours that the tower is filled with treasure.

Tomb of the Puzzle Lord - For 5-6 level 1-3 characters
The crumbling tomb is almost indistinguishable from the cliffside that it is carved into. The entrance is dark and uninviting, and the thunder of the approaching storm seems to warn of danger lurking inside. But you are adventurers. This is what you do. Plus, loot!

Roped In - For 5 level 3 characters
Your party stumble across a treasure map. Following it takes you deep underground to a cavern where a strange creature lurks in wait.

A Beautiful Mine - For 5 level 3 characters
Escort a diplomat with documents that could stop a war. Powerful interests on both sides are trying to stop the mission from succeeding.

Player Support

Here are a number of handy charts and sheet that might help your players, particularly if they are new.

Feel free to print any of these and use them at your table.

Useful Resources

Here are some links to useful resources like Spellbook Generators and fast Character Creation sites.