Vendor Information & FAQ

About Blackwood D&D Winterfest

Blackwood D&D Winterfest is an annual two-day festival celebrating tabletop roleplaying games, fantasy, and community. The event includes multiple gaming sessions, workshops, and an 18+ evening event on Saturday. We welcome vendors offering merchandise, crafts, and gaming-related products.

Event Schedule & Setup

  • Event Hours:

    • Saturday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM (Day Sessions) | 7:00 PM – 10.00 PM (18+ Evening Event)

    • Sunday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

  • Vendor Setup:

    • Friday: From 5pm - 6pm (preferred setup time)

    • Saturday: From 7:00 AM - 8:00AM

    • Sunday: From 7:00 AM - 8:00AM

  • Vendor Pack-Down:

    • Saturday: From 5:30 PM

    • Sunday: From 5:00 PM

  • Vendor expected opening times:

    • Saturday & Sunday Morning: 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

    • Saturday & Sunday Lunchtime: 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM

    • Saturday & Sunday post sessions: 5:00 PM - 5:30 PM (Sunday afternoon is the slowest time for vendors as attendance is less that Saturday afternoon.

Vendor Fees & Requirements

  • Application Form

  • Stall Fees:

    • One trestle table (1m x 1.5m) for the weekend is $40.

    • additional trestle table (1m x 1.5m) for the weekend is $20.

    • Power to the stall $10

  • Close of Applications: 31st March

  • Notification: Vendors will be notified by 21st April if they we successful in securing a stall

  • Payment Deadline: 24th May 2025

  • Donation for Raffle: We kindly ask that Vendors to the event donate something to our player and DM raffles that take place during the games. This is a tradition of ours and is something that Vendors have done for several years. Your contributions enhance the experience for all participants and help foster community engagement. Thank you for considering this request, as every donation, no matter how small, plays an important role in making our event memorable.

  • ✔️ Fantasy-themed or gaming-related merchandise
    ✔️ RPG accessories, dice, books, and miniatures
    ✔️ Handmade or unique fantasy goods

    Basically any TTRPG themed items. Previous and reoccurring vendors can be found here

    • Airconditioned vendor space.

    • Tables and chairs provided.

    • Power available on request.

    • Camping available on site.

    • Vendor hall will be locked in the evening (we encourage vendors not to leave valuables)

  • Most likely - it is WINTERfest after all. And Bridgetown can be very cold or rainy. However the vendor space has reverse cycle air conditioning

  • Unfortunately it can be poor at the showgrounds. Phone calls and texts are usually ok, not so much for streaming live plays. We have not had issues with POS last year

  • It can get a bit squeesy in the vendor hall, especially during the lunch break. we advise no more than 2 people per stall at any given time for the single table option.

  • If you need to cancel please notify us as soon as practical so we can try to organise a replacement. Refunds may be available on a case-by-case basis.

  • Last year we had 210 people arrive for the event. This includes a mix of players, Dungeon Master volunteers and general volunteers

  • We encourage vendors to offer themed discounts, or special deals for attendees.

    We provide 2 promotional posts to our social media (Provide media when submitting application)

    If interested in sponsorship opportunities, let us know!

  • Vendor parking will be available on-site. Further details will be provided in your confirmation email.

  • Yes, camping is available for Vendors as well as attendees. Please let us know if you require a site. Please see our Camping FAQ